5 Books That Will Make You Wiser About Money


Did you know that as per research 85% of rich people read two or more self-help, education or career-relevants books every month?

That caught your attention, didn’t it? Well, it’s true. If you wish to create wealth, perhaps the first step is to read more and learn from the experts.

Here are some good books about money you should read in 2016, if you haven’t already.

1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

5 books wiser money


This book is not just about money. It’s about how our thinking is moulded in school and society. It challenges the stereotypes we have about money, and sheds light on how our thoughts about money are damaging.

The biggest differentiator of this book over others is how author Robert Kiyosaki’s addresses the flaming question – Why? People can enlist step-by-step guides on making money, but we don’t start something unless we feel like.

Kiyosaki motivates readers to get them excited about their financial future. It offers hope, and a philosophy which you can follow in life as well.

You can buy it here.

2. The Wisdom of Intelligent Investors

5 books wiser money


If history is anything to go by, investors often make decisions that undermine their ability to build long-term wealth, believes author and investment expert Vishal Khandelwal. This free e-book provides bite-sized lessons from 19 investors, which include Prof. Sanjay Bakshi and Amit Arora, among others.

It drills deep into the core of value-creating investment i.e long-term well. This occurs when we train our mind to think unlike the herd, and focus on understanding businesses instead of trying to cash in on a wave. This free e-book is a breezy read, one which I turn to often.

You can click here to download it.

3. Think and Grow Rich

5 books wiser money


The oldest book on this list, Think and Grow Rich was written in 1937. Napolean Hill was tasked by Andrew Carnegie to write a book about what made a person succeed, and this is the result. While the global landscape has changed tremendously, the fundamentals of making money have stayed the same.

TaGR hammers on the point that success comes from knowing what you want, and wanting it hard enough. The most popular quote from this book – ”The starting point of all achievements is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.”

You can buy it here.

4. I Will Teach You to Be Rich

5 books wiser money


In what many tout as one of the best self-help books in personal finance, author Ramit Sethi encourages readers to automate finances so they can effortlessly save and invest. He offers step-by-step, pragmatic techniques for twenty-plus and thirty-plus somethings to enable themselves to save.

He encourages readers to invest, and spend without feeling guilty since we spend what we have as per this review. Other concepts in this book motivate readers to utilize money wisely i.e. allocate what they want to spend lavishly on and where they should cut costs. This financial intelligence goes a long way in building a meaningful and happy life. A must read!

You can buy it here.

5. The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons For Corporate America

5 books wiser money


This book is still on my To-Be-Read list. Warren Buffett, probably the most prolific investor and philanthropist in history, leads readers through his thought processes.

He doesn’t answer specific questions like how to gauge the best price to buy a stock and when to exit. Instead, he shares insights on the adjoining issues that arise when you must consider a ‘business’ to invest in. Rather than focusing on the market, Buffett states that investors should focus on good businesses, a thought echoed by most investors in book #2 on this list.

You can buy it here.

Have you read these books? Do share your insights from them.

Are there other inspirational books about money that you would like to share with us? Please do so in the comments.