PINK Tax: Unveiling the Unfair Price

PINK Tax: Unveiling the Unfair Price

“Girls love shopping” is a statement you hear thrown around a lot. While the comment undermines a whole gender and…

Navigating personal finances with your partner

How to Navigate Personal Finances with Your Partner

With Valentine's Day around the corner, the past week must have been all about gifts and date nights. Regardless of…

Interim Budget 2024: Key Features & Highlights

Interim Budget 2024: Key Features & Highlights

On February 1 as customary, the finance minister of India, Smt Nirmala Sitaraman announced the Interim budget for…

New year resolutions for every decade of your life

Financial Wisdom: New Year Resolutions for Every Stage of Life

How long is your list of resolutions? They must include goals related to health, hobbies, life, etc. But does it…

Financial Santa is Back! Are You on the Nice or Naughty List This Year?

Didn’t 2023 feel shorter than most years? Was your year fulfilling or did it just hit you that a year has gone by, yet…

Winterize Your Wealth: A Guide to Financial Comfort

With December bringing a nip in the air, you must be reaching out for shawls, sweaters, and blankets. While you sit…

Financial Lessons Based on Your Favorite Cricket Moves

Spread the Cricket Fever to Your Finances

Cricket runs in the blood of most Indians. The ICC World Cup is no less than a festival in this country. This year the…

Dussehra 2023

Dussehra 2023: A Financial Lesson for Each Day of the Festivity – Part 2

Welcome to Part II of our blog which covers the last 5 days of the festivities. To read the lessons of the first five…

Financial Lessons from Dusherra

Dussehra 2023: A Financial Lesson for Each Day of the Festivity – Part 1

Dussehra is celebrated all over India with pomp and fervor. The nine days before Dussehra is referred to as Navratri…

what are NFTs

What are NFTs? Here’s All that You Need to Know

News about NFTs is trending and even Bollywood has jumped on the bandwagon. But what exactly are NFTs? Are they…