Lifestyle Changes required to cope with Covid 19

Its almost been 6 months since the world learnt of a new virus called the COVID 19 which has changed many things in our lives. While initially, the challenge was fighting against the virus, it is established now that this is the new normal. No one knows how long the current wave will go on. Experts predict that Coronavirus may go off like the SARS virus or keeping recurring like the seasonal flu. 

Whichever way it goes, COVID 19 is going to affect our lifestyles and lives for some time now.

Changes in the way we learn

Learning has always been associated with attending classes in the physical form. Of course, online learning and certifications have also been around. But with COVID, the entire gamut of classes have gone online. Schools and colleges are closed all across the country with all learning happening either on Zoom or on Hangout calls. 

Summer camps for kids have also gone online with storytelling, theatre, art & craft, dance, everything being taught online. 

So, learning online and making the best use of the platforms available is the best way to go forward.


A Rise in Hygiene Consciousness

There is certainly more focus on overall hygiene after the outbreak of the Corona Virus. Individuals are paying attention to washing or sanitizing their hands more often. Now that the lockdown has been relaxed in many parts of the country and people are venturing out of their homes, commonly used surfaces like the door handle, elevator buttons, work areas, shops will see more disinfection and sanitising happening. 

It is good for you to keep your efforts at maintaining high levels of hygiene at home and your workplaces. Make use of masks in public places and do not let your guard down just yet. 

Make hygiene consciousness a part of your lifestyle. 


Focus on financial wellbeing 

There are many sectors such as hospitality, travel, food and catering that have borne the brunt of the spread of the virus. Though many other sectors may not be affected as much, the extent of business is low. 

Pay cuts or layoffs are frequently heard of in the news these days. All this might have required you to have a relook at your finances. If you are looking at ways to manage your financial fitness during these tough times, our earlier post may be of help to you.

Even if your job seems secure, it may not be ideal to go out and splurge or indulge in impulsive buying just because the shops/e-commerce sites are back to business. The future still looks uncertain.

It may be good to rein your expenses and avoid discretionary spending.

You should also look to build in your emergency chest which should at least be sufficient for 6 months of your living expenses. Another area that requires your focus is your health insurance. Make sure you have adequate health insurance that covers your family and dependent parents.


Work-life changes

Coronavirus has changed the way everyone works. For most of us, it has been work from home and looks like the same is going to continue for some more time. Quite a few companies like Twitter and the Square have allowed their employees to work from home forever. It may not be far off before many others join the suit. 

Even if people get back to work, there is going to be a marked difference in the way people conduct themselves at work. From meetings to tea breaks to having lunch with colleagues, everything will be done differently. 

Being at work may seem isolating and less motivating due to the social distancing norms in place. It is good to be prepared for the changes even before you get back to your workplace and not let the changes affect your productivity at work.

Changes in the way we entertain ourselves

tips covid lockdown

Vacations, movies, a visit to the mall or even dining out with friends and family all seems remote. The modes of entertainment have reduced. The current focus is on being safe. So many of our entertainment-related activities happen online, whether it is watching movie or documentaries on various subscription-based services like Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon Prime, etc or the television. New movies are also planned to be released online on these platforms. Musical concerts, theatre performances or talks are all being streamed online. 

Online gaming is another entertainment avenue that many are looking forward to as play arenas and malls remain closed. 

While it is normal to spend more time online, do not forget to give yourself a break from the devices once in a while. Moreover, it is also a good time to engage with your family, and do activities that are fun for everyone. Reviving your old hobbies or learning something new may also be interesting. 

Enhanced focus on health and immunity

The one thing that is now clear is the importance of maintaining good health and immunity. Most of the deaths due to the virus have been linked to co-morbidities or those with existing diseases like diabetes, hypertension, etc.

Being healthy and building good immunity is going to be of great focus in the current times. Look to build in a daily exercise schedule like taking walks around your neighbourhood or making use of tons of workout videos available online or even joining an online class. 

Eating healthy is another pillar that can build up your immunity. Cook simple meals with fresh fruits and vegetables at home rather than looking to order every day. Pay attention to your sleep cycles and get adequate rest. 

You could also try practising some meditation exercises to calm your mind and deal with stress and anxiety. 


Human beings are amazing at adapting to any kind of environment, so even before we realize, all these lifestyle changes will seem to be the new normal. So don’t worry too much about it.



Gandham Vedasree

Vedashree is a content writer at Moneyview who loves writing and exploring new ideas. She is passionate about simplifying financial topics and making them easy to understand.

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