Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a 21-digit alpha-numeric number assigned to all Private Limited Companies, Person Companies, Government of India Companies, State Government Companies, Not-for-Profit, Nidhi Companies, and other entities registered in India.
CIN number means that it is a unique identification number assigned by the ROC (Registrar of Companies) of each state under the MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs). CIN numbers are assigned to companies registered in India by ROCs located across the country.
After an enterprise is registered with the ROC, its CIN number is used to track all of its activities. This number contains an organization's identity as well as additional information about the registered company under the ROC.
The ROC can access the company's information by using a 21-digit alphanumeric unique identification number.
The CIN contains important information such as the Year of Incorporation (Example: 2020)
Code of the state (Example: DL- Delhi)
Company Type (Example: PLC – Public Limited Company)
Listing status (for instance, L – Listed)
The Certificate of Incorporation also contains this information.
CIN numbers are divided into six sections, which are explained below using an example CIN number:
U 12345 DL 2020 PLC 098765 U 12345 DL 2020 PLC 098765 U 12345 DL 2020
U: Status of Listing
Industry Code: 12345
State Code: DL
2020: Year of Incorporation
PLC stands for Private Limited Company.
Registration Number: 098765
The first section denotes the company's listing status. If the company is listed, the alphabet is ‘L,' and if it is unlisted, the alphabet is ‘U.'
The industry code is represented by the next section or 5 digits. ROC assigns a unique industry code to each company that does business in any industry.
The next two digits denote the State Code under which the company was registered with the Registrar of Companies, with its registered office in the specified state.
The year of incorporation of the company, which uses four extra digits in the CIN number, appears after the state code.
The CIN number is used to track all aspects of a registered company beginning with its date of incorporation from the ROC. This unique number/code is primarily used during audits and when presenting reports or submitting forms to MCA.
CIN must be printed on all official company publications, invoices, e-forms on MCA's website, letterheads, memos, notices, and bills. This number can also be used to track and identify companies that are already registered with the ROC or MCA for information-related purposes.
CIN number registration can be done by visiting the MCA's official website. Filling out an application form and submitting all required documentation. Finally, after MCA has reviewed and approved the payment, submit it to receive the CIN number.
Factors that contribute to a change in CIN number
If a company's listing status changes, we will notify you.
If there is a change in the location or state of India's registered office,
If the company's industry shifts
FLC: Financial Lease Company as Public Limited
FTC: Private Limited Company Subsidiary of a Foreign Company
GAP stands for General Association Public.
GAT stands for General Association Private.
GOI: Government of India-owned companies
NPL stands for Not-for-Profit License Company.
PLC stands for Public Limited Company.
PTC stands for Private Limited Company.
SGC: Companies that are owned by the state government.
ULL stands for "Unlimited Liability Limited Company."
ULT is an abbreviation for Unlimited Liability Trust.
Every public and private limited company in India is required to quote its Company Identification Number on various documents, including:
On receipts and invoices
On notice
On letterheads
Yearly reports
Every e-form available on the MCA portal
Any additional publications
If the above-mentioned requirements are not met, the defaulting company faces a daily penalty of INR 1,000, and each of its officers is in default, as long as the default continues. The maximum penalty for this default, however, is INR 100,000.
CIN is made up of 17 digits, the first 14 of which are the CPIN and the next three are the GST authorized bank code, which is used to transmit GST to the government.
As you are aware, once a taxpayer has created an electronic CPIN challan, he can arrange to pay GST online. The CPIN is used to identify the GST Challan.
When payment is received by authorized banks or the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and credited to the relevant government account held with them, CIN is generated. It denotes that the payment was received and credited to the appropriate government account. The authorized bank sends the CIN to both the taxpayer and the GSTN.
As a result, the CIN number is obtained only after the GST payment has been credited to the appropriate government account (whether central or state). Under GST taxation, the CIN number is a proof of reference on confirmation of receipt of GST tax paid by the taxpayer to the appropriate government.
Under the following conditions, your company's CIN must be changed:
Changing CIN
When the company's stock market listing status changes from listed (L) to unlisted (U), or vice versa.
When the state in which the company's registered office is located changes.
When there is a change in the industry that the company has been dealing with since its inception.
When the company's ownership changes, such as from a sole proprietorship to a private limited company, etc.
When the Registrar of Companies is changed.
Under the following conditions, your company's CIN must be changed:
When the company's stock market listing status changes from listed (L) to unlisted (U), or vice versa.
When the state in which the company's registered office is located changes.
When there is a change in the industry that the company has been dealing with since its inception.
When the company's ownership changes, such as from a sole proprietorship to a private limited company, etc.
When the Registrar of Companies is changed.
The CIN number cannot be changed; however, it will change automatically if the company's listing status, registered office location, or industry changes.
CIN is an acronym that stands for Corporate Identification Number, Corporate Identity Number, or Company Identity Number.
A company's listing status in a stock market can be determined by its CIN, as the first letter of the CIN is L or U, where L indicates that the company is listed and U indicates that the company has not been listed in the stock market.
You can obtain a CIN by obtaining a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC), a Director Identification Number (DIN), having the name approved, and filing incorporation documents, which include the Company's Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association. After incorporating the company, you will receive a Certificate of Incorporation from the Registrar of Companies, which will include your company's CIN.
Registrars of Companies can be found in every state and union territory in the country, with a concentration in the north-eastern states and union territories.
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