11 Easy-on-the-wallet Fitness Resolutions for 2020
The number 1 New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. But only a small percentage of 8% stick to it. By the end of January, most resolutions, including weight loss, are not put to practice. The most common reason is the lack of time.
So this year, instead of making big resolutions, make small bite-size fitness resolutions that are easy to incorporate in our daily lives. Here are 11 easy-on-the-wallet fitness resolutions for 2020.
1. Don’t go for annual gym membership plans
If you are really keen, try out a few free sessions at your neighbourhood gym. See if the pattern of workout, timings, trainers etc. work for you. Then go ahead with trying out a monthly membership. Only if you can consistently go for a month and like it should you consider a quarterly membership.
The carrots of low-priced annual gym memberships don’t work out for most people as they drop out within a month or two. Be prudent with your money by taking baby steps when it comes to gym memberships.
2. Get variety in your exercise routine
Just like you, your body gets tired of the same exercise routine and stops responding. It’s best to mix various types of workouts. Strength training may seem daunting but is excellent for a lean body and bone health especially for women. Yoga is excellent for building flexibility. Try pilates for core strength.
Exercise with your buddy. Do it with your partner or your friend to make it more interesting, challenging and accountable. And don’t forget to keep a record of your workouts. It helps to keep track of your fitness journey.
You can follow exercise videos online that are way cheaper and very effective as you can do them at home.
3. Try to be active wherever you can
Fitness is not an activity, it’s a lifestyle. So try to incorporate it in every aspect of your life. A small change can bring a lot of benefits in the long run.
Walk rather than drive. Walking is the easiest, economical and most effective exercise. Start with 15 minutes daily and then build up both the time and intensity.
Start by taking the stairs, parking your car a little far away in the parking lot, walk to the nearby grocery store to pick daily supplies. Start incorporating these little things to make a big difference in your lifestyle.
In case you love technology, invest in a FitBit or a smartwatch to count your steps. An economical way is to download apps like Pedometer++ or Google Fit on your phones to measure your daily steps.
These free activities can make you more active and can help in burning a few more calories everyday.
4. Don’t obsess about numbers, aim for health
Weight is not a complete measurement of health. A lot of other factors like increased stamina, energy, strong bones and flexibility are equally important.. So don’t try to just reduce weight. Set goals in line with your overall health, body type, age and gender.
Concentrate on reducing fat, building muscles and developing strength. Try to be healthy and fit – not thin. A quick tip – don’t step on the weighing scale daily.
5. Drink more water
Ditch your bottled cola or juice and replace it with water. In addition to flushing out toxins from your body, it helps in maintaining weight and improves the skin texture.
Drinking water boosts metabolism and also acts as a hunger suppressant. Drinking more water helps with the problem of water retention as well.
6. Snack healthier and meal plan
Let go of packaged food. Snack in between meals on fresh and seasonal fruits. Pack a handful of dried nuts and berries for office.
Incorporate healthy eating habits. A great way to accomplish this is by meal planning. Use these budget-friendly meal prep ideas. In addition to the main courses, try to pack snacks for work on the weekends as well. We tend to eat more calories in a snack. So this trick would be very useful.
7. Start the day early
Try to start your day early with an exercise routine. As the day passes by, our energy level decreases and we fall flat on our commitments. Getting up early and exercising first thing in the morning is a great way to make sure you never miss your workout routine.
Do yoga, brisk walk in the neighbourhood park or jog with your partner. It will set the right tone for the rest of your day.
8. Set easy, attainable goals
Don’t be so hard on yourself that it is scary. Set up an attainable goal. Break it into small targets for a month or 3 months. Then keep a journal to monitor it.
Breaking down your long-term goal into easy, attainable goals have positive affirmation. Don’t forget to celebrate when you reach your small milestones – treat yourself with your favourite dessert.
9. Eat more greens
Eat more fruits and vegetables. They supply all the nutrients required for your diet. If you are a meat-eater, try to incorporate a healthy mix of meat, fruits and vegetables. This would also help to keep the calorie count in check.
Go seasonal with your supply of fruits and vegetables. They are fresh and are the best source fibres and nutrients to the body, not to mention economical too.
10. Give up one indulgence
You can never totally give up your eating habits. It’s not healthy and practical. A better alternative which is both doable and successful is to give up one of your indulgences.
Have a sweet tooth? Or like any particular bread? Give that up. It will help you to stay fit for a long time. If that’s a little too extreme for you, find a better alternative to your indulgence. Replace candy with jaggery, cold drink with nimbu pani or paratha with roti. The purpose is to eat what your body and heart want without depriving yourself completely.
11. Bring more positivity in your life
Mental health and physical health go hand in hand. Cut out negative thoughts and people from your life. If you want to get in shape to be like your neighbour – that’s the wrong motivation. Do things for the right reasons like getting healthier for yourself, and it will reflect on your body and skin.
Use laughter therapy. Meditate. Join a community where you can share your hobbies. Meet like-minded people. All these improve your physical health and fitness as well.
What fitness resolutions you have followed which has worked in the past? Please share with us in the comments below.