Are You on Financial Santa’s Nice or Naughty List This Christmas Season?

Christmas is fast approaching and with that, we’re almost at the end of 2022! The year flew by in the blink of an eye but the real question is, how good were you with respect to your financial planning?

If there was a Financial Santa, would you be on his Nice list or Naughty list? Would you receive gifts from him in appreciation of your good behavior regarding money matters or would you get lessons on budgeting instead?

We’ve decided to help you figure this out. All you need to do is take this simple quiz and by the end of it, you’ll know which list you fall under.


  • Answer all questions honestly. We may not be watching but Santa will definitely know!
  • Each answer will be worth a certain amount of points. Add up these points and find out your results at the end of the quiz

Are you ready for the Quiz?







Now that you’ve answered all the questions, let’s see how you did!

  • If your answer is ‘a’, you get 15 points
  • If your answer is ‘b’, you get 10 points
  • If your answer is ‘c’, you get 5 points 

Between 70-90 points

Congratulations! You have made it to Santa’s ‘Nice’ list and we won’t be surprised if you get an extra gold star for being so good! You have followed all the ‘best practices’ most financial experts recommend. We see a very happy financial future for you!

Between 50-70 points

Good job! You have earned a place in Santa’s ‘Nice’ list after all! However, to get the most out of your finances, a few more steps will have to be taken. Stick to your budget in a more disciplined manner, ensure that you are careful with your bill payments, and be careful in your planning.

Below 50 points

Looks like you ended up on Santa’s ‘Naughty’ List. Not only do you have to make a budget and stick to it, you need to also plan for your future in a more responsible manner. Life is unpredictable and money doesn’t magically increase unless you put some effort into it. We hope 2023 is a better year for you financially.