5 Financial Lessons From The Mahatma

Even though he was born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, he became renowned as the “Father Of the Nation” in his beloved country. His disciples fondly addressed him as “Bapu” and the world today, knows him as a symbol of peace and non-violence. It was during his time the Indian struggle for Independence took giant strides toward success and his belief in freeing Mother India without violence made him immortal. 

Today, let us draw inspiration from the life of the Mahatma and understand how we can improve our financial stability by following his example.

Following Mahatma’s Financial Footsteps

Gandhi was versatile and a multifaceted world leader whose life is a testament to his beliefs. He was a lawyer turned freedom fighter who spent most of his life refining every aspect of his life. 

While Gandhi’s relationship with food, spirituality, abstinence, and politics was fascinating, it was his lifelong commitment to living a life devoid of materialistic comforts that still remains the subject of admiration for many.

Here is a look at the financial lessons we can learn from The Man on the Note! 

  • Follow Self-Discipline

5 Financial Lessons From The Mahatma

Gandhi was by all means an ordinary man whose deeds and service to mankind made him extraordinary. Throughout his life, Gandhi preached and followed strict discipline in his every venture. No matter how tough the circumstances seemed, his determination and discipline did not waver.

Likewise, to have a financially happy life, we must stay disciplined and stick to our principles. Here are some simple tricks and tips you can follow to manage your money.

  • Health is Real Wealth

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”

5 Financial Lessons From The Mahatma

Gandhiji was particular about the food he consumed. He was a staunch vegetarian and his food was cooked with utmost care He believed bodies should be treated as temples of God. 

Our modern lifestyles often lead us to neglect our health. Eating healthy, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep are all important steps to maintaining good health. Similarly, investing in the right health insurance plan will provide you security in times of failing health. 

  • Persevere Your Goals

5 Financial Lessons From The Mahatma

Gandhi dedicated his life to his goal: Freeing India from British occupation. Importantly, his perseverance and trust in his non-violent methods inspired the nation to fight peacefully for their country. 

When you set financial goals, short-term, mid-term, or long-term, it is your responsibility to ensure you follow through and reach your goals, irrespective of the obstacles in your way. There will be times when your best-laid-out financial plans take a turn for the worse, but you must focus on your goal and keep going. 

  • Don’t Give Into Greed

“There is enough for everybody’s need and not for everybody’s greed.”

5 Financial Lessons From The Mahatma

These infamous words of Bapu ring true even today. We often give into our wants, mistaking them for our needs, and go to several lengths to fulfill our materialistic desires. He advocated for living within our means and abstaining from borrowing beyond the necessities. 

Several reasons prompt us to borrow money. It could be your son’s wedding, your daughter’s education, or more. It is crucial to only borrow the amount you can repay without facing financial hardship. 

  • Start Today

5 Financial Lessons From The Mahatma

Gandhi had a singular goal in his mind and began tirelessly fighting for the independence of millions of Indians upon his return to India in 1915. Even though it took him more than 30 years to achieve it, he never gave up and most importantly, he focused on the bigger picture of his efforts. 

Managing money wisely must become a habit that can help you sustain your future. To live in the future you envisioned for yourself, you must start today, even if you are starting small. 

Why Gandhi’s Teachings Are Relevant For Today’s Borrowers?

Gandhi lived his life devoid of materialistic comforts and wore a dhoti and a wrap-around he spun himself.  So how can a man dressed in khadi teach us about money? 

Mahatma’s life and principles offer practical insights about managing our money in the modern world. In a world filled with consumerism and capitalism, it is important to not lose sight of your goals and pursue your vision with discipline. Above all, you must restrain yourself from spending or borrowing money on a whim to satisfy your momentary desires. 

To Summarize 

Mahatma Gandhi lived a life of self-discipline, control, and dedication. He was a man of his principles and his teachings have inspired millions of people across generations. Gandhi’s financial wisdom illustrates the significance of ethics and values while managing money. So, next time you are spending money recklessly, take a look at the man on your note and let his example serve as a reminder for your financial pursuits.