How to Navigate Personal Finances with Your Partner

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, the past week must have been all about gifts and date nights. Regardless of whether you are married or just met the partner of your dreams, your excitement around this special day must be unmatched.

But let’s talk about something that affects our relationships more than we give it importance – FINANCES!

Your approach toward navigating finances as a couple is a major pillar that defines the strength of your relationship.

Let’s read a few tips on how to start a conversation about money in a relationship.

1. Plan a Money Date

Please don’t make your first date a money date, and neither should wait till you get married to have the conversation. As soon as you start planning a future with your partner, consider starting the conversation about money. 

A fun way to do this is to plan a financial date night. You can let your better half know that you plan on having this discussion, and start asking open-ended questions to know about their approach to managing money.

Begin talking about budgeting, investing, saving up for the future, etc. Their idea about such topics will help you navigate your financial journey with them. 

Don’t try to have all discussions in one day, instead start small. Also schedule such money dates once in a while, no matter which stage your relationship is at. You can end such dates with a fun activity like a movie, dinner, or a simple walk in the park!

P.S. – This is not a Valentine’s Day date idea.  

2. Be Honest About Your Finances

Being honest is an integral part of any relationship. So when you discuss your finances, be transparent. Put your debts, spending habits, and budgets on the table truthfully. Disclose your income, investments, and retirement goals to your partner. 

You should talk about your personal experiences with money as it can help build trust. Everyone relates to money differently depending on how their upbringing or family background was. Remember to not just focus on numbers but also consider finances-related emotions. 

Actively listen to your partner’s experiences and their ways of handling money without any judgment. That way, you can gain insights into your partner’s upbringing and their financial goals. Once you know of each other’s situation, you can work towards building a future together.

3. Discuss Future Goals

Future goals include short-term and long-term plans. What you consider essential might be a luxury for your partner. Thus, take both your priorities into account and form a budget that both of you can stick to.

You can also choose to divide financial responsibilities like paying bills and investing for your future. Another option is to create a joint account to pay for monthly expenses. That way you can look at your money as a whole and decide how you want to live your life.

Consider discussing wedding plans and having kids, as both are huge financial responsibilities. This can further strengthen your relationship and you can handle money as a unit.

4. Talk to a Financial Planner

If you cannot seem to get to a decision about money, reach out to a financial planner for help. They can help you look at your cumulative income and plan a budget for your household. A third person’s perspective will be objective and make the discussion smoother.

Having the same financial planner is advisable when you are planning to share finances. You can then start saving for a house, retirement, vacations, or any other goals you might have.

5. Review Finances as a Couple 

Remember that you are in this together, and consider inputs from both sides. Even if one of you is a stay-at-home partner, they should have a say in managing money. 

You can plan to review your finances every month, quarterly, or bi-yearly. As incomes and responsibilities change, this should be an ongoing discussion. It will help you assess the current situation and make changes in your budget accordingly.

Monitor your investments as a unit and move past individual salary differences. This will help you put aside personal limitations and make plans that suit your partnership.

6. Mind Your Credit Score

Your credit score is important for your financial health. A good credit score can help you get loans at favourable terms. When you get loans at lower interest rates, you can save more money that you can invest for your retirement.

You can make a fun game out of checking your credit score at the beginning of each money date and see whose is higher. This will encourage both of you to work on your credit score.

Check your credit score regularly and monitor your credit report for errors in reporting. You can now check your credit score for free on the moneyview website in just 2 minutes. 

All you have to do is go to the moneyview credit tracker page, enter your mobile number, and click on ‘Get Score and More’. Enter the 5-digit OTP you get on your mobile number and voila! You will be able to see your credit score, tips to improve your score, your active loan accounts, and much more!


Always remember the popular proverb – ‘If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together.’ 

This is very true when it comes to planning finances. Mixing up finances with another person can sound like a daunting idea but it can prove beneficial in the long term. It will help you easily reach your goals and strengthen your relationship in the process. 

Remember ups and downs are a part of life, and you must remain adaptable to navigate it. Maintain a health and emergency fund as a couple to be better prepared for the lows in your life.

Discussing lifestyle choices together and dividing financial responsibilities are some steps you can take toward financial intimacy. Honestly sharing information, and seeking help in managing finances will strengthen your relationship.