Need an Instant Loan? Ashish Vaman Knows Where to Get One!

Money View customer story

Leadership guru Ken Blanchard once said that ‘Feedback is the breakfast of champions’, and we at Money View couldn’t agree more.

Our goal is to constantly improve. Regardless of the amazing feedback we constantly receive, our commitment to getting better only gets stronger.

The highlight of our day is when we get to talk to our customers and hear their thoughts on our products and service. 

Here is an excerpt from one such conversation.

Tell us something about yourself

My name is Ashish Vaman. I am originally from Kiroda but I currently work in Nagpur.

What kind of loan did you avail from Money View?

I had taken a personal loan from Money View.

Why did you apply for a loan from Money View and not other banks or financial institutions?

I was told that getting a loan from Money View was really easy and simple. When I tried the app for myself I found this to be completely true. I have already taken a personal loan after which I was even offered a top up loan.

Note: A top up loan is an additional loan offered by Money View based on your existing loan repayment and credit history. 

How did you get to know about Money View loans?

A friend recommended Money View loans to me and when I tried it out, I found it to be as good as he said.

What did you think of the Money View Loans app and the application process? Are there any particular features that you enjoyed?

The best part was how quickly the loan was disbursed to my account. This is not the case with most banks and other lenders as they take a few days to approve documents and disburse a loan. 

Sometimes the documentation requirements are high, sometimes the processing takes time. But with Money View, the entire process was seamless from start to finish and the documentation requirements were minimal too.

Final Thoughts

I genuinely enjoyed how convenient it was to get a loan from Money View. I have and will continue to recommend Money View to everyone looking for personal loans.

Thank you Sir,  for your kind words. Money View wishes you and your family the very best.

If you wish to get an instant personal loan from us, visit our website or download the Money View Loans app to apply.

Medha Goswami

Medha is a content writer at Moneyview, helping herself and the readers wrap their head around financial matters. In an alternate universe, she would have spent all her time with cats, books, and tea.

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