GST Registration Status

The Indian Government has provided every taxpayer with access to an online portal in order to make the process of filing GST simple and user-friendly. The official GST portal makes the process easier, but you must first register your business. You can submit an online application and complete the registration process online.

Once completed, your application will be registered in 15 days. In the meantime, you can do GST registration tracking on the GST official portal by entering your Application Reference Number (ARN).

How to Check GST Registration Status?

You can check GST new registration status by following the below steps –

What Does Each GST Registration Status Term Mean?

You will receive a written status update at each stage of your registration application based on the stage it is in. You will be able to gauge the progress of your application by decoding your status. When checking your GST registration status, you will come across the following terms:

Additional terms associated with ARN number status with their meaning

GST Registration Status - Related FAQs

The Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) is a one-of-a-kind number that identifies a credit card transaction as it travels from the acquiring bank to the cardholder's bank. This number could be used by banks to track a transaction with an acquirer. You can check the GST registration status by ARN number.

A business with a turnover of more than Rs. 40 lakh is required by GST rules to register as a normal taxable entity. This is known as the GST registration process.

For businesses in hill states and North-Eastern states, the turnover is Rs.10 lakh. The GST registration process can be completed in as little as six working days.

GST registration can be completed quickly and easily through the GST portal. Business owners can register for GST by filling out a form on the GST portal and submitting the required documents.

It is a criminal offense to conduct business without registering for GST, and there are severe penalties for non-registration.

The eligibility criteria to register for GST Individuals and businesses is given below:

  • Individuals who registered for tax services prior to the implementation of the GST law.
  • Non-Resident Taxable Individual and Casual Taxable Individual.
  • Individuals who pay their taxes through the reverse charge mechanism.
  • Every e-commerce aggregator.
  • Businesses with a turnover of more than Rs. 40 lakh. The business should have a turnover of more than Rs. 10 lakh in Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and the North-Eastern states.
  • Input service distributors and a supplier's agents.
  • Individuals who sell their wares via an e-commerce aggregator.
  • Individuals who live out of India, but provide database access and online information to people in India who are not registered and taxable.

The GST ARN number is used to track the status of the GST registration application until the Government issues the GST certificate and GSTIN.

Following the submission of the GST registration application, the GST ARN Number is generated on the GST Portal.

The ARN number assists existing taxpayers in migrating to the new GST, and it also assists in checking the status of the GST registration online.

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