Do you want instant access to funds? Are you finding it difficult to fulfill your financial obligations? Don’t worry! A personal loan from Money View can help you take care of your financial needs and obligations. You can easily check your eligibility and apply for a personal loan online within minutes. Upon approval, the loan amount will be directly credited to your bank account.
You can apply for a personal loan from Money View in a few simple steps.
You will need to first log in on our website or app with your email ID and then provide the following details:
Once the details are confirmed, you will get to know the maximum loan amount you are eligible for in 2 minutes!
Based on the details you provide, you will get to choose from a variety of personal loan offers. You may select the loan offer and repayment terms that best suit your needs.
You will then need to upload all the required documents on our website to complete your Know Your Customer (KYC) verification. The process is completely digital, and our loan experts will then go through your documents to determine if they can approve your application.
Once your personal loan application is approved, the loan amount will be credited directly to your bank account in 24 hours.
A personal loan from Money View comes with a lot of benefits and it can help you take care of your financial needs. The different advantages and unique features of Money View personal loans are given below:
Document Type | Is It Valid As An ID Proof? | Is It Valid As An Address Proof? |
Aadhaar Card | Yes | Yes |
PAN Card | Yes | No |
Valid Driver's License | Yes | Yes |
Valid Indian Passport | Yes | Yes |
Voter ID Card | Yes | Yes |
Bank Statement/Passbook | No | Yes |
Utility Bills** | No | Yes |
Ration Card | No | Yes |
**Please note that utility bills such as Electricity Bill, Gas Bill, Telephone Bill or Water Bill should be dated within the last 60 days and have your name and address mentioned clearly. Also, Bank Statements/Passbooks are only valid when generated within the last 60 days.
Please note that only original and valid copies of the documents mentioned above will be accepted as proof of identity, address and/or income.
Loan Category | Charges |
Interest Rate | Starting from 1.33% per month |
Cheque bounce fee | Rs.500 on each occasion |
Loan processing fees | Starting from 2% of the approved loan amount |
Interest on overdue EMIs | 2% per month |
Don’t let your salary/income become a financial obstacle. Now, you can apply for a personal loan from Money View even with a low salary.
Call us at 080 4569 2002 or write an email to us at, if you have any questions about personal loans.
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